Tuesday, April 8, 2008

sick and tired of college

I am so tired of school right now! I can't wait til I get out for the semester. I will be done with all my pre-req's at the end of this semester. I took my CPR certification test yesterday and I have my final one next week where we do CPR on a dummy and then 2 person CPR. I am happy that I know how to do it now, but I never want to have to do it that is for sure. I am going into Respiratory Therapy so the chances of me having to perform it is pretty good. I think that I will be okay once I have done it a few times but to come across someone randomly..well I think that would freak me out. We have learned that the chances of actually saving someone is only around 7-8%...not very good odds. I am tired of tests, don't teachers realize that I am old and my brain don't work that way?? lol... I have done pretty well, except I didn't realize that my online class had an assignment due yesterday, so I guess that grade just plummented. I don't think that I will another online class because it is so easy to put off or just forget to check. I am so dense sometimes!! Well I have about 6 weeks left of this semester and then I am done until I can get into my program, which is a year waiting list as of right now.